Chairman Allen West’s Monday Message for 3.15.21 (reprint)

If America is to survive the scourge of leftists, socialists, Marxists, statists, and communists, we must refer to them as they are... We cannot allow them to dominate and dictate the narrative, as they disparage and denigrate those who want to enjoy their constitutional rights, freedoms, and liberties. We must see them -- and their actions -- as the evil they represent, and express that.

People vs. Police – A Basis for Respect

Democrat mayors of the major U.S. cities invite mobs to freely roam the streets of cities while denying protection of the lives and property of law-abiding citizens, particularly Christians, patriots, and Republicans. This week, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner abruptly closed the Houston Convention Center to the state's Republicans but invited more street violence and public … Continue reading People vs. Police – A Basis for Respect

Fifth Court of Appeals – The Constitutional Firewall

Fifth Court of Appeals - The Role of this Court Few Texans know the role of the fourteen Texas Appeals Courts. The above-pictured panel of sitting justices and candidates presented an overview of the Texas Judicial Branch to Rockwall Republicans on 11 October 2018. The below chart outlines the flow of appeals from the lowest … Continue reading Fifth Court of Appeals – The Constitutional Firewall